Collisions: How to Avoid Them Book

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Collisions: How to Avoid Them Book

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This publication from the North of England P&I Association provides valuable insights into commonly misunderstood sections of the COLREGs. Specifically, it delves into 12 rules that address hazardous situations, breaking down the key components of each rule and providing guidance on their proper application.


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Collisions: How to Avoid Them – The Essential Guide to COLREGs Compliance and Loss Prevention for Marine Professionals


Collisions: How to Avoid Them is essential to COLREGs compliance and loss prevention for marine professionals. It provides practical advice on the key collision avoidance rules and the influence of electronic aids on navigation. The guide also provides collision case studies and simple plotting sheets that may be used to illustrate developing situations while on watch.


What you will learn from this ebook:

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest COLREG regulations
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key collision avoidance rules
  • Improve your skills in watchkeeping and collision avoidance
  • Reduce the risk of a collision
  • Prepare for your next voyage with confidence
  • Contribute to the safe and efficient operation of ships
  • Collisions are a major cause of maritime accidents, with significant loss of life and property.
  • The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) are the international standards for collision avoidance.
  • COLREGs are complex and can be difficult to understand.
  • This book provides practical advice on complying with COLREGs and avoiding collisions.
  • The book includes collision case studies and simple plotting sheets that can be used to illustrate developing situations.
  • This book is an essential resource for all Masters, officers, watchkeepers of ships, and marine safety professionals.


Contents Listing: 


Rule 2: Responsibility 

Rule 5: Look-out 

Rule 6: Safe speed 

Rule 7: Risk of collision 

Rule 8: Action to avoid collision 

Rule 10: Traffic separation schemes 

Rule 13: Overtaking 

Rule 14: Head-on situation 

Rule 15: Crossing situation 

Rule 16: Action by give-way vessel 

Rule 17: Action by stand-on vessel 

Rule 19: Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility 



Case Study 1. Who started this? 

Case Study 2. Is it good to talk? 

Case Study 3. What were they thinking? 

Case Study 4. Watch out astern 

Case Study 5. To cross or not to cross? 

Case Study 6. Fishing? 


Plotting Sheet 1. Open sea 

Plotting Sheet 2. Traffic separation scheme 

Plotting Sheet 3. Coastal waters 

Additional information

Weight N/A

eBook, Physical Book