Embark on a journey to enhance safety in the galley with our Galley Safety Awareness eLearning course. Designed for all seafarers, this 30-minute course focuses on understanding and implementing health and safety protocols to manage and mitigate potential hazards within the galley environment.
Key Features:
Safety Protocols: Learn the importance of health and safety in the galley, including identifying principal safety hazards associated with galley work.
Engaging Learning Experience: The course employs interactive exercises and regular knowledge checks to keep learners engaged. End-of-module assessments ensure learners grasp the material effectively. Real-life maritime case studies provide practical examples of safety applications, while high-quality images and videos enhance understanding and relevance.
Comprehensive Learning Outcomes:
LO1: Understand why health and safety are paramount in the galley.
LO2: Recognize the main safety hazards present in galley operations.
LO3: Learn techniques to identify hazards in your ship’s galley proactively.
LO4: Discover preventive measures to avoid common safety risks.
Course Details:
Level: Awareness
Duration: 30 minutes
Suitable for: All seafarers
Prerequisites: None
Standard(s): Code of Safe Working Practices
Language: English
This course meets the standards set by the Code of Safe Working Practices and empowers seafarers to create a safer working environment in the galley.