Guide to Maritime Security and the ISPS Code (2021 Edition)
The Guide aims to provide a comprehensive resource for understanding and implementing maritime security measures in accordance with SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code. It consolidates relevant IMO maritime security-related material into an easy-to-read format, making it a valuable companion for SOLAS Contracting Governments in their efforts to promote maritime security.
The Guide covers various aspects of maritime security, including the legal framework, administrative practices, procedures, and the necessary technical and human resources. It provides guidance on the implementation, verification, compliance, and enforcement of the provisions outlined in SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code.
In addition to its relevance for governments, the Guide also serves as a reference for those involved in capacity-building activities related to maritime security. It provides support and guidance for delivering effective training and assistance in this field.
This second edition of the Guide includes updates on maritime security legislation and maritime cyber risk management, reflecting the evolving nature of security threats in the maritime industry. It also provides updated sources for further information to assist in implementing the ISPS Code.
Overall, the Guide is a valuable tool for governments and stakeholders involved in maritime security, providing them with the necessary knowledge and resources to ensure the effective implementation and enforcement of measures to enhance maritime security.
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