Overview: The course aims to impart crucial yacht-related techniques, emphasizing the significance of effective communication and collaborative teamwork onboard. This practical and engaging course highlights the importance of safety and well-being, tailored to meet the specific requirements of different situations.
The Demographics of the Yachting Sector, its Sub-Divisions & relevant Industries.
How to Professionally search for a Position onboard a Yacht
Life at Sea as a Crew member
The Roles & Duties of the Personnel & Departments Onboard a Yacht
The Onboard Hierarchy & Chain of Command
The Onboard Standards of Personal Presentation
The expected Etiquette & Behaviours as a Crew Member
The Standards of Attention to Detail required onboard a yacht
The Importance of Communication & Communication Styles
The Etiquette of Meeting & Interacting with guests
The Diversities & Differences of Worldwide Cultures & Behaviours.
Maintaining Personal Health & Wellbeing & how to find Support
The Responsibilities of Employers & Crew for Health & Safety in the Maritime Industry
Certification: The training provided by Barcelona Crew Academy includes a Diploma Certificate and is awarded by, the Guest Program- IAMI
Details to take note of: Once you have purchased the course you will be enrolled and gain access to the online platform to undertake your self study and complete assessments. You will also be required to attend the class either in person or Live stream.
Assessment process: Assessment Criteria is achieved through the assessment process of practical demonstrations by applying skills, supported by Assessments through final exam and assignments testing.