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Deck > National Powerboat Certificate > GALILEO MARITIME ACADEMY > IYT Powerboat and RIB Master

IYT Powerboat and RIB Master

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Hosted by Galileo Maritime Academy

Proficiency In Powerboat,Tender & Ribmaster Course Equivalent to RYA PBL 2 and IYT Small Powerboat and Ribmaster   When you attend the PBL2 training you will receive practical knowledge, experience and skills for safe boat handling as required by competent crew for powerboats, tenders and RIBS of less than 10 meter length overall (LOA)  At the end of the course, you will be proficient in:  – Driving, control and docking of vessels less than 10 metres in length overall (LOA)-Fenders and ropework for docking and mooring – Anchoring, ropes, chains and anchor types – Safety on board, man over board drills, command and control responsibilities – VHF equipment, communications and look out duty – Weather, safety equipment and planning-Engine start/stop, trim, fuel and electrical systems up to 250 HP – Basic navigation, buoyage, chart work and small vessel ECDIS