Flip card pack Lights and Shapes at sea

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Shop > Books & Tools > Lights and Shapes > Flip card pack Lights and Shapes at sea

Flip card pack Lights and Shapes at sea

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For over four decades Navigation Lights and Shapes at Sea Flip card pack has consistently been a “best seller” due to its indispensable role in aiding mariners’ study of Lights and Shapes.  

Mastering this crucial aspect can be challenging, but the Lights and Shapes Flip Cards provide a valuable solution.  

Each Lights and Shapes Flip card pack contains 50 cards, including the instruction card.  



These cards simplify a complex subject by vividly showcasing a vessel’s nighttime navigation lights in colour or its daytime shapes as they appear from your perspective.  

The vessel’s silhouette is subtly visible for cards displaying lights, enhancing the authenticity of the representation. The meaning of each display is provided on the back of the cards, making this practical set highly effective in enabling mariners to grasp the intricacies of Lights and Shapes at sea with greater ease and confidence. 


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