Marine Survival, 3rd Edition eBook

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Marine Survival, 3rd Edition eBook

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Marine Survival is a helpful study guide for cadets and ships officers. It is now on its third edition and covers various important topics, such as evacuation systems, onboard training, helicopter operations, personal survival, emergency communication, and medical advice. Additionally, a new section discusses lifeboat release hooks and FPDs, which include the latest SOLAS and IMO amendments related to life-saving equipment. This guide is designed to assist individuals in learning about key survival skills and keeping themselves safe at sea.



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Marine Survival, 3rd Edition eBook

The Marine Survival  book is designed as a study aid for cadets and ship officers, providing them with comprehensive information and guidance on marine survival procedures. It covers topics such as evacuation systems, onboard training, personal survival techniques, emergency communication systems, and medical advice.


One of the key additions in this Marine Survival third edition is a new section on lifeboat release hooks and FPDs (Fail Safe Release and Full Proof Release). This section incorporates the latest amendments to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations regarding life-saving appliances. It provides detailed information on the proper use and maintenance of lifeboat release hooks and FPDs, ensuring that readers are up-to-date with the latest safety protocols.


In addition to the new section on lifeboat release hooks and FPDs, the Marine Survival book also includes updated information on various topics, such as helicopter operations and recovery systems, emergency alarms, and onboard training. The book ensures that readers can access the most current information and best practices in marine survival operations.


Overall, Marine Survival guide serves for cadets and ship officers, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle emergency situations at sea. It is a valuable study aid that helps readers understand and implement the latest safety regulations and procedures in marine survival.


Marine Survival Contents Listing:

1 Evacuation Systems and Marine Requirements 

1.1 Introduction 

1.2 Actions Before Abandoning Ship or Offshore Installation 

1.3 Survival Craft: Manning Requirements Applicable to all Ships 

1.4 Responsibilities of Coxswains when Abandoning Ship or Installation 

1.5 Methods of Evacuation 

1.6 Survival Actions in the Water 

1.7 Actions in Survival Craft (of the totally enclosed type) 

1.8 Main Dangers to Survivors 

1.9 Summary 


2 Immersion Suits, Lifejackets and Buoyancy Aids 

2.1 Introduction 

2.2 Requirements for the Provision of Immersion Suits and Thermal Protective Aids on Ships 

2.3 General Requirements for Immersion Suits 

2.4 Requirements for Thermal Protective Aids
(not to be confused with immersion suits) 

2.5 Requirements for the Provision of Lifejackets on Ships 

2.6 General Requirements for Lifejackets 

2.7 Twin Chamber (Automatic) Lifejackets 

2.8 The Aviation Lifejacket 

2.9 General Requirements and Specifications for Lifebuoys 

2.10 Summary 


3 Emergency Alarms and Onboard Training 

3.1 Introduction 

3.2 Emergency Communications (applicable to passenger and cargo ships) 

3.3 Emergency Alarm Signals 

3.4 Survival Craft: Onboard Training and Drills 

3.5Survival Craft: External Training Facilities 

3.6 PSCRB 

3.7 Summary 


4 Helicopter Operations and Aircraft Identification 

4.1 Introduction 

4.2 Shipboard Operations with Helicopters 

4.3 Deck Officer’s Checklist for Helicopter Operations 

4.4 General Precautions for Seafarers Working with Helicopters 

4.5 Deck Landing Examples 

4.6 Passenger Safety for Helicopter Transit 

4.7 Offshore Installations: Helideck Detail 

4.8 Operational Details for Helidecks 

4.9 In-flight Emergency Over the Sea Surface 

4.10 Search and Rescue Operations Involving Helicopters 

4.11 Evacuation Methods by Helicopter 

4.12 Helicopter Operations 


5 Lifeboat Construction and Equipment 

5.1 Introduction 

5.2 Requirements for the Provision of Lifeboats on Ships 

5.3 General Requirements for Lifeboats 

5.4 Lifeboat Construction 

5.5 Additional Fittings to Lifeboats 

5.6 Lifeboat Fitments 

5.7 Lifeboat Equipment 

5.8 General Information Regarding Lifeboats 

5.9 Requirements for Totally Enclosed Lifeboats 

5.10 Requirements for Rigid Survival Craft 


6 Stowage, Launching and Recovery Systems 

6.1 Introduction 

6.2 Requirements for Launching and Stowage of Survival Craft 

6.3 Requirements for Launching Appliances 

6.4 Launching Procedure 

6.5 Launching and Recovery Arrangements for Survival Craft 

6.6 Embarkation and Launching of Survival Craft 

6.7 Release Gear for Survival Craft 

6.8 Lifeboat Release Hooks 

6.9 Definition of Free-fall Launching 

6.10 Free-fall Survival Craft 

6.11 Capsule Survival Craft 

6.12 Summary 


7 Boat Handling 

7.1 Introduction 

7.2 Power Boat Handling Theory 

7.3 Requirements for Lifeboat (engine) Propulsion 

7.4 Engine Start Methods for Motor Lifeboats 

7.5 Beaching Technique for a Lifeboat 

7.6 Evacuation by Survival (rigid) Craft 

7.7 Sail Theory 

7.8 Summary 


8 Liferafts 

8.1 Introduction 

8.2 Inflatable Liferafts –Constructional Requirements 

8.3 Launching the Inflatable Liferaft 

8.4 Hydrostatic Release: Method of Operation 

8.5 Float-Free Arrangements for Liferafts 

8.6 Liferaft Equipment 

8.7 Miscellaneous Requirements for Liferafts 

8.8 Liferaft Fittings 

8.9 Davit-launched Liferafts 

8.10 Operations with Survival Craft 

8.11 Liferaft Case Studies


9 Personal Survival 

9.1 Introduction 

9.2 Survival Craft Operations 

9.3 Liferaft Operations 

9.4 Management of Liferafts 


10 Rescue Boats 

10.1 Introduction 

10.2 Rescue Boat Regulations 

10.3 General Requirements for Rescue Boats 

10.4 Rescue Boat Categories 

10.5 Designated Rescue Boats (shore-based) 

10.6 Rescue Boat Equipment 

10.7 Inflated Rescue Boats, Additional Requirements 

10.8 Fast Rescue Craft (FRC) Operations 


11 Medical Advice for Emergency Treatment of Marine Casualties 

11.1 Introduction 

11.2 Hypothermia 

11.3 Treatment of Casualties in Survival Craft 

11.4 Heat Exhaustion 

11.5 Heatstroke 

11.6 Casualties with Burns 

11.7 Severe Bleeding 


12 Emergency and Distress Communications 

12.1 Introduction 

12.2 Survival Craft: Methods of Attracting Attention 

12.3 The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) 

12.4 EPIRBs 

12.5 Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) 

12.6 Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) 

12.7 Surface Vessel/Aircraft Radio Communications Frequencies 

12.8 US Coast Guard 

12.9 Netherlands Coast Guard 

12.10 Royal National Lifeboat Institution 

12.11 Surface-to-air Visual Signals 

12.12 Air-to-surface Visual Signals 

12.13 Equipment Droppable by Aircraft 

12.14 Ship Reporting Systems 

12.15 Use of Rocket Line Throwing Apparatus 

12.16 Breeches Buoy Operation 

12.17 Search and Rescue for all UK Passenger Ships Additional ref. MSN 1783 (M)) 


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Weight N/A

eBook, Physical Book


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