Safety and Health at Sea – 2nd Edition Book

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Safety and Health at Sea – 2nd Edition Book

5.00 out of 5
(5.00) 1 Reviews
SKU: BP102450

The purpose of this manual is to promote safety and a healthy living environment for those working on board ships. It provides safety checklists and practical examples of safe operations, along with relevant images. Additionally, job descriptions are included to ensure that crew members are trained and aware of their responsibilities on board, as well as ways to mitigate risks.



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Safety and Health at Sea – 2nd Edition


The safety and health of seafarers is protected by an impressive framework of conventions and legislation. The purpose of this manual is to highlight the basic principles that the framework contains and to help seafarers put them into practice. The manual describes how to implement the procedures, such as risk assessment and safety inspections, that can prevent accidents. Guidance on how to maintain high levels of health and hygiene on board is also provided. There is discussion of the human factor in accident prevention and how understanding it can be used to create a strong and resilient safety culture on board.


Contents Listing:

1 Shipboard Safety System

1.1 Responsibilities

1.2 Structure

1.3 Procedures

2 Tools for Improving Safety

2.1 Accidents: Causes and Prevention

2.2 A Safety Supervisor’s Job Description

2.3 Checklists

2.4 Accident Prevention

3 Health on Board

3.1 A Fit and Healthy Crew?

3.2 Be Prepared

3.3 General Health Protection on Board

3.4 Hygiene

3.5 Substances Hazardous to Health

3.6 Infectious Diseases and Malaria

4 Safety and Health Training

4.1 Principles

4.2 How to Plan, Run, Assess and Follow Up a Training Session

4.3 Basic Safety Training on Board

5 Reviewing Safety and Health on Board

5.1 Organisation of Safety and Health on Board

5.2 A Summary of Responses to the Safety and Health Questionnaire

6 The Human Factor

6.1 Safety Culture

6.2 Understanding Accidents

6.3 Human Behaviour

7. Practical Examples

7.1 Mooring line pays out too fast

7.2 Stairs slip-up injures crewman

7.3 Scaffolding comes crashing down

Appendices The Most Relevant IMO and EU Regulations

1. The IMO MLC Maritime Labour Convention

2. The ISM Code

3. The STCW Convention and its Relationship to the ISM Code

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Weight N/A

eBook, Physical Book

1 review for Safety and Health at Sea – 2nd Edition Book

  1. mnque.steyn3

    Testing 123

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